ceu credits

In this day and age online education is among the best ways for college students and adults to accomplish their training. Continuing education can mean a lot of different things. Some adults want to go back to school for a bachelor’s degree or perhaps a master’s degree. Other medication is looking to complete professional education to higher equip themselves in the workforce in order to satisfy certain state requirements. In the following paragraphs we are going to discuss using interactive courses offered online in both formal education and professional training.

First let’s discuss adults and students returning to school for any specific degree. Online courses give the students flexibility to go browsing and off to complete their coursework at their convenience. Interactive courses permit them to communicate with their classmates and professors via discussion board postings, live chat, or email. They provide the students a way to network and form relationships with other people in their class.

Interactive courses are usually powered through Moodle, Blackboard, or WebCT and therefore are facilitated with a professor or graduate assistant. Students can post, submit papers, take quizzes, as well as email other students or the professors. This sort of technology really brings the students closer to their peers even when they are thousands of miles away.

ceu online

Professional training is typically set up a little bit different. For instance, if you are taking a web-based interactive course being an insurance agent you aren’t communicating with other students or a professor. You are usually reading a textbook and completing short online quizzes after each chapter. Once the quizzes are complete you’re prompted to take an online final exam which concludes the course. So within this scenario, you are doing a lot more reading and test taking than interacting with others. Some prefer this method, but many like networking with others in the classroom.

Another huge difference with professional training can there be is usually no deadline for the quizzes or assignments. The company you purchased the program from doesn’t set a deadline. You deadline is really your compliance date with the state you reside in. This provides the student a lot of flexibility and time for you to complete the program if planned correctly.

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